About Jean
In my mid 20’s life turned me upside down. I was searching for answers which traditional religion failed to give me. This started me on my search for truth, for needing more than religious doctrine. I wanted a deep faith that worked and a connection to my creator.
It was not just dabbling, but serious soul work. Iconic teachers, silent retreats, meditation practice now for 30 years, working with ancient spiritual techniques to help one awaken and become conscious and learning to live from the heart. All felt good.
Then came the day I was Dying??
All of the above is necessary work, but one profound piece was always missing … I was trying to do it all myself. I assume this came from a life long deep sense of not being good enough. Trust in God’s love was a head belief but not my lived experience.
One night as I was being rushed to get a brain scan (fear of an aneurysm) I suddenly realized, OMG, I could actually die any minute. This was so powerful a truth, I freaked out. Overwhelming fear struck me, ‘I am not ready, I am not good enough, I haven’t done enough!’ Then something so amazing happened, all fear suddenly left me, a deep calm replaced it. My thought was now, ‘oh, well.’ It’s sounds so flip, but I had such an absolutely deep faith and a knowing that all would be ok if I did die. This was deeply life changing and lifted a heavy burden from me.
This experience is part of the reason I do this work. Too many of us feel self hate, not good enough, and are very afraid of God…. We all have that little spark of Divine DNA within, to grow our soul, and live from Grace. But how do we find and access it? This becomes part of the inner work; surrender. Yes, we do our part but then we also stop worrying and let the Divine do the rest.