Someone who has truly cultivated gratitude radiates something…
A transformation of their spirit has occurred with this profound spiritual practice. They live simply, they enjoy the moment they are in, and they seem to be more content and happy.
Consumerism has overtaken our culture, our focus is often on what we don’t have, this gives us unpleasant emotions, and not much joy. Frequently we want more and experience very little satisfaction with what we have. We can be caught in the illusion that later will be better, as soon as we get or achieve something else.
We all have experienced this restless discontent, but we also know the state of contentment and satisfaction. Gratitude and appreciation creates this, and it’s not a theory, but a studied fact.
Let me share some of what a cultivated gratitude practice does:
We can enjoy what we have, not always discontent with what we think we need
We notice little things, and stay more in the moment
Our heart and soul opens up and we are much nicer people
Because we are open and not grasping and wanting, we are much less stressed
We become more unselfish and less self-centered
We feel much more content and at peace
Relationships thrive
It is a continued acknowledgement of divine grace and the love we are given